Image Description
Dialog Heading

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui. Nam scelerisque felis nec scelerisque rhoncus. Aenean eu imperdiet velit. Vestibulum consectetur mauris est, vel molestie ex porttitor nec. Vestibulum suscipit convallis urna quis auctor.

↑↓ Module: Notice

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae ullamcorper nisl. hyperlink...

↑↓ Module: Nav
↑↓ Module: Hero #hero



29th and 30th April 2025 / Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resorts

The 37th Edition of the Digital Transformation Summit is part of a global series of events which has taken place in more than 10 cities across multiple continents over the past few years.

The Summit will bring together 300+ C-Level Executives, Directors, and Heads of Technology to discuss the potential of AI, Web 3.0, IoT, Quantum Computing, Cyber Security and other 4IR technologies, revealing the insights needed to embrace impactful change now!

Axway will be Lead sponsor of the event.

We will host two speaking sessions during the event:
  • A plenary session at 11:00 on the first day
  • A workshop session at 15:40 on the first day
We will have also a booth in the exhibition area where you will be able  to meet our experts and get a chance to win gifts.

If you want to have an appointment with Axway, please fill in the form and a representative will get back to you to book a slot.

To know more about the event, please visit the website at 

h3 Form Title

By registering, you confirm that you agree to the processing of your personal data by Axway as described in our privacy notice. Axway will process your personal information for carefully considered and specific purposes that are in our interests and enable us to enhance the services we provide, but which we believe also for your benefit. You acknowledge that we may transfer your profile information to Axway legal entities and our service providers for administrative purposes only. Please note that if you no longer wish to receive our emails you may unsubscribe at any time. 

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Image Description
↑↓ Module: BannerBoxed #banner-boxed
↑↓ Module: NewsLtr #news-ltr

h4 Small header

h2 Heading

h5 Subtitle

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui.

Image Description
↑↓ Module: NewsRtl #news-rtl
Image Description

h4 Small header

h2 Heading

h5 Subtitle

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui.

↑↓ Module: News Grid #news-grid

h2 Heading

euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. (155 chars)

euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. (155 chars)

euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. (155 chars)

↑↓ Module: VideoLtr #video-ltr

h4 Small header

h2 Heading

h5 Subtitle

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui.

↑↓ Module: VideoRtl #video-rtl

h4 Small header

h2 Heading

h5 Subtitle

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui.

↑↓ Module: FormCard #form-card

h2 Form Title

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui.

Aenean sit amet enim id sem vestibulum auctor. Sed enim nisl, vehicula ut ante vitae, aliquet commodo dui. Nam scelerisque felis nec scelerisque rhoncus. Aenean eu imperdiet velit. Vestibulum consectetur mauris est, vel molestie ex porttitor nec. Vestibulum suscipit convallis urna quis auctor.

↑↓ Module: MapCard #map-card
Etiam ut molestie purus (35 char limit)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut molestie purus, vel euismod dolor (120 char limit)

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
↑↓ Module: Speakers #speakers


Mourad Jaakou

VP/General Manager, Amplify


Jeroen Delbarre

Product Line Director, Amplify


euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. (155 chars)

euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod lacinia (30 chars)

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. (155 chars)

↑↓ Module: Agenda #agenda

h2 Heading

Month DD, YYYY
06:00 - 09:30
Location 1

Event or Webinar Title

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

06:00 - 09:30
Location 2

Event or Webinar Title

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

06:00 - 09:30
Location 3

Event or Webinar Title

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

Month DD, YYYY
06:00 - 09:30
Location 1

Event or Webinar Title

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

06:00 - 09:30
Location 2

Event or Webinar Title

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

06:00 - 09:30
Location 3

Event or Webinar Title

Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis, sem. Phasellus rhoncus. Aenean id metus id velit ullamcorper pulvinar. [330 chars]

You can bold font as a subheadline.

  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • You can also have unordered lists.
  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

  • Otowui

    Jane Doe

    Web Architect

↑↓ Module: Testimonials #testimonials

h2 Heading

Jane Doe

Etiam ut molestie purus

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim.Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia.

John Doe

Etiam ut molestie purus

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim.Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia.

John Doe Jr

Etiam ut molestie purus

Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim. Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia. Donec volutpat maximus sapien at imperdiet. Sed tristique augue vel nisl pellentesque, ac vestibulum enim.Sed semper euismod quam at lacinia.

↑↓ Module: Clients #clients

h2 Heading

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