- How common views on APIs limit the possibilities for high-end value
- How to tell a business story about APIs
- Key elements of reframing your strategy for the world of open business

Randy Heffner
Vice President, Principal Analyst Serving Application Development & Delivery Professionals
More about Randy Heffner:
Randy serves Application Development & Delivery Professionals. He leads clients to infuse technology deeply into their business strategies (and vice versa). Application architecture and integration strategy are major focal points of his research, including how application programming interfaces (APIs) and other types of service-oriented architectures foster innovation and sustainable business flexibility. Randy's vision for integration strategy, digital business design, establishes business-first design principles for leveraging multiple integration technologies and guiding the evolution of an agile business platform. A leading expert on designing business applications and software architectures that are secure and resilient in the face of continuous business and technology change, Randy has for the past 30-plus years, and across multiple industry sectors, led solution architects in using technology to delight customers and to continuously improve business outcomes.
Particular drill-down areas within Randy's research include general application architecture and design issues; overall IT architecture strategy; architectures for customer digital experience; API/SOA strategy; API management, governance, and infrastructure; application security architecture; best practices for API design; and integrating enterprise architecture and governance with agile solution delivery. For more than 13 years, Randy has helped Forrester clients achieve sustainable business agility in their pursuit of continuous improvement to business outcomes.
Previous Work Experience
Randy has extensive experience with enterprise architecture management and application architecture and design. Randy was a chief architect at Sprint, where he led enterprise architecture and standardization efforts, along with the analysis and introduction of application servers, component architectures, object-oriented development, application security architectures, CORBA, distributed transaction management, and other new technologies. His IT experience also includes technology leadership, management, and application development with a big five consultancy and in the retail and litigation support industries.
Randy received a bachelor's of business administration from Baylor University's business school, where he was named the outstanding student in computer information systems.
Brian Otten
Digital Transformation Catalyst
More about Brian Otten
Brian Otten is an experienced leader and technologist with 25+ years experience and and an innovative strategist for APIs and microservices to support digital transformation, IT modernization and continued growth for large enterprises. He also loves running crazy distances out on the open trails.