
Research Report

Gartner® To Create a Successful API Marketplace or API-Based Ecosystem, Look Before You Leap

“Ecosystems and marketplaces continue to grow in popularity as an area of strategic focus, as partner ecosystems consisting of a core application combined with partner applications can create new products, services and customer experiences.”¹

Register to learn from Gartner the steps needed to make your business model successful — before you create one.

Marketplace ecosystems need to have clearly defined business objectives.
Creating a marketplace involves publicly offering an API in conjunction with contributions from teams throughout your organization.
Marketplaces must demonstrate significant value for customers, developers and internal stakeholders.


¹Gartner, To Create a Successful API Marketplace or API- Based Ecosystem, Look Before You Leap, John Santoro, Mark O'Neill, 15 September 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.